Brewing Beer - Take Pride In Your Beer By Learning About Yeast
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Yeast quality has improved dramatically over the course of beer brewing history. It used to be a very inconsistent element in brewing beer. There were very few yeast varieties available, and those that were often did not provide consistent elements of flavor and character. There are now multiple varieties available in many different forms from various companies. Yeast selection is an extremely important element to be successful when brewing beer.About YeastYeast is a fungus that reproduces asexually by splitting itself into multiple smaller cells, typically referred to as daughter cells. These cells consume sugars in the wort, creating carbon dioxide and alcohol as by-products. When they finish, you have beer to enjoy. Don't thank them until your beer is in the bottle!The two main types of yeast used for brewing beer are ale and lager. As the names suggest, ale yeast is used to brew ale style beers and lager yeast is used to brew lager styles. The main difference in these two types of yeast is the ideal fermentation temperature. Ale yeast prefers warmer fermentation temperatures and lager yeast prefers colder temperatures. The package that contains the yeast will usually tell you the ideal temperature range for that particular strain. If it does not, I recommend visiting that company's web site to obtain additional information on the recommended fermentation temperature.Yeast used in brewing beer also comes in two different forms, which are dry and liquid. I recommend liquid yeast. It does not require rehydrating and usually contains more cells per package.I can't stress how important it is to use good quality yeast when brewing beer. Beer kits will often come with a small 2.0 gram or 5.0 gram packet of generic dry yeast, which is usually taped to the of the malt extract can lid. I strongly recommend purchasing additional yeast to replace these generic packets. These packets are typically not fresh or vital enough to produce a good, stong fermentation for your beer.Yeast is extremely important in achieving a great tasting beer. Check your beer kit to ensure it contains a reputable brand. If not, invest several dollars to purchase additional yeast, which will replace the cheap stuff. Several of the more reputable companies include Wyeast, White Labs, Fermentis and Danstar. Any of the these would be a fine choice for yeast.Remember, yeast is the element in brewing beer that will turn your ingredients into alcohol and ultimately, the beer you will drink. Pay attention, invest in good yeast and you will be much happier with the beer you brew!