Dreaming of a backyard full of grape vines? Just imagining the juicy and tasteful grapes, growing in your backyard is truly appealing? The big question is though, how possible is it for a typical homeowner without any grape vine growing experience like you can start growing lovely vines in your own backyard? Well, the great news today is that you can now start with the process with so much information about grape growing in the online world.Remember though that since grape growing is considered as sensitive as growing an infant, no one says that the process is and will be easy. Then again, provided that you are guided with trustworthy and effective guide lines, there is nothing to worry about. Take note of these effective grape vine growing tips to end your doubts for growing a successful grape vine.First rule is to get to know the common grape varieties.When it comes to growing grapes at home, knowing a particular grape variety that will suit your climate and soil must be your first move. Grape varieties such as Riesling and Chardonnay, for instance, require long months of hot seasons rather than colder seasons. There are some breeds that set a different climate requirement. So to get the foundation right, make your first move by researching for the best grape variety possible in your area.Brainstorm over the vine's location.As far as location is concerned, grapevines are sensitive about this. That is why you have to choose certain locations with enough sunlight. Never consider a location that is under the shade of tall trees and other tall buildings. This setup will likely hinder sunlight and vines will become prone to diseases.Consider the soil minerals and type.Research the most loved type of soil that a particular grape variety loves to grow in. Remember, the best soil for vines are the type that are lightly moist and dry. This type of soil is vital, for they hold water particles needed for the grapes. Weeds are the number one nutrient competitors for your plant, so keep these away from them.Keep the vines growing in the right direction every day.Once you've done a great job during the first months, your vines will surely grow their branches long and wide. However, once this happens, ensure that you keep their branches in the right direction. Never let them crawl over your designated frame. Maintain them by pruning the vines regularly.Don't forget about the trellis.Do not build a weak one, but rather opt for a concrete type to keep the grape vine growing in the right direction. This is necessary if you have a soil that is soft. Hence, if you are growing grapes, especially hybrids, you do not want to prepare a shorter fence for them, because they grow a lot taller as compared to other grape varieties.Getting these effective grapevine growing tips in mind, will surely make you taste the sweetness of success in the end. Therefore, enjoy planting grapevines as much as you can and one day, you will have the sweetest grapes to eat and the most flavorful wine to drink.
by Sarah Timberman · 0
Growing Concord grapes has become quite popular among home growers. The reasons are not hard to find. This variety of grapes has a distinct scent, is deep purple in color, marble shaped and very sweet which makes it the most sought after variety. Though there is a long tradition of grape growing of more than a thousand years, yet people started growing Concord grapes only towards the end of 1800s.It was Ephraim Wales Bull who brought in the Concord variety of grapes. He first experimented with a wild variety of grapes found in Concord, Massachusetts, a region famous for harsh weather during winters. He found them to be resilient and they ripen early which means they are ideal for these conditions. Moreover, these grapes became famous within a short period and they won a few horticulture contests.Growing grapes like Concord grapes has become a fashion and hobby for the people. Large numbers of people are attracted to their appealing taste and sent which have resulted in people growing Concord Grapes in their backyards. Concord vines spread evenly and are good on arbors and trellises. They grow to such an extent that they can provide enough shade to a large area. Various items like jams, juices and jellies can be prepared from these grapes. The natural color and its taste make it a great choice among home growers.Today growing this variety of grape is becoming increasingly popular among vineyards as well. Ultimately it depends on the tastes of the end users. Some people may prefer a dry aftertaste while other may like a sweet taste. This has resulted in vineyards producing other varieties which have a high commercial value. However recent technical advancements have made it possible to produce dry wine even if Concord grapes are used. Dry wines can be produced from Concord grapes if they are slowed to ripen to a certain extent.Though there are other grape varieties, growing Concord grapes has become popular also because of its incredible versatility. It is not possible to produce other products from most of the other varieties. Several companies like Welch's have grown due to Concord grapes.Experiments in medical science have proved that Concord grapes are beneficial for our body as well. The grapes have antioxidant properties which help to lower the threat of heart diseases. That's the reason there are several products available in the market, prepared from Concord grapes and they have even received approval from the American Heart Association. Due to the increasing demand in the national market, it is an excellent time for growing Concord grapes.Some people think that growing Concord grapes is tough. On the contrary, it is very easy and one of the easiest varieties to produce. Michigan, Pennsylvania and New York are the largest producers of Concord vines. They can adapt to cooler temperatures much more easily as compared to other varieties as they ripen before the advent of frost. Moreover, these grapes are not as choosy regarding the soil type. They do need soil a certain earth soil type that can retain a fair degree of moisture. Due to its high demand and simple method of growing Concord grapes, it has become a highly productive crop.
by Sarah Timberman · 0
Airlocks perform a vital role in the beer brewing process. They usually come with your beer brewing starter kit. All fermenters have places on top of them to fit an airlock, and there are a couple different styles of fermenters. But they all serve the same function: keep air out of your beer, while allowing built up CO2 out.Conversely, you can use a blow off tube, which is nothing more than rubber or vinyl tubing that fits in place of the airlock and serves the same function as an airlock. The other end of the blow off tube is placed into a bucket of sanitized water. Airlocks allow CO2 to escape, as well as any excess krausen, without spewing out onto your walls, ceiling, floor and anywhere else.Airlocks come in different shapes and sizes, but have the same basic design: one or more chambers that holds liquid and forms a barrier between your beer and the surrounding air that contains microorganisms you do not want in your beer. Airlocks can have one liquid chamber, or multiple liquid chambers.When CO2 needs to be released, it travels through the liquid as gas bubbles and is released into the air. The liquid also acts as a barrier to the surrounding air, keeping germs and bacteria (as well as other nasties) out of your beer. A lot of home brewers use water in the airlock, which works perfectly fine for beer brewing. Some use sanitizer in the liquid chamber, but this doesn't really add any additional protection.In fact, it can actually work against you. It is possible that the liquid in the airlock can get sucked back into the fermenter, and you do not want to get sanitizer in your beer. As a compromise, some brewers fill the airlock with vodka. Vodka is sanitary, and if by chance, it gets sucked back into the fermenter, it has a neutral flavor that will not affect the final flavor of your beer, nor cause any negative ill effects otherwise. You would simply just get a little extra alcohol added to your brew.Liquid getting sucked back into the fermenter is primarily caused by the moving or lifting of flexible plastic such as the plastic used to make fermenting buckets or better bottles. If you are using either one for beer brewing, then you might be better served going with a blow off tube, which can prevent this from happening. Blowoff tubes are also better options if you have a vigorous fermentation--sometimes pressure can be built up so much that it can blow off an airlock!
by Sarah Timberman · 0
It is not such a bad idea to start grape growing instead of the usual fruits that you plant. Growing grape vines can be successful if you start planting the grape seed properly. It's just the same with planting a mango tree. To grow grapes and plant grape seed takes a lot of time and patience. Here are guidelines to follow making your grape seed breathe to life.First soak the seed in the water and leave it for 10 minutes removing foreign substance that is carried by the seeds. After which, brush the seeds properly using a soft brush to peel the seeds old skin. Then cover with a soft cloth and leave it to dry in 10 days.After getting it dried down prepare a tray and bury the grape seed surrounded by seed starters. Gently press the soil to let air and compressing the seeds down to make sure it's well compressed. You can by a seed starter from the nursery or on the market.After preparing the tray cover it with plastic and refrigerate it in two months. After which you bring the tray out and leave it outside for a couple of minute to adjust to the humidity of the place. Then you remove the plastic cover and face the seeds towards the sun. While doing this water the soil to make it moisturized after months of dry season.You are now half way to grow grapes because you will now transfer each seed to a designated pot. Then your first mission is to grow the trunks of the grape vine and wait till it's fully developed.The fruit of the grape vine usually ripen during summer season. It is when the sun is abundant that the growing grape vines will rapidly produce more glucose and ripens the fruit. Make sure that when you plan on grape growing start it as early as the first month of the year. So by summer your baby vines will have plenty of sunlight during their growth period.
by Sarah Timberman · 0
Growing Thompson seedless grapes could be very tricky if preparations, planting and maintenance are not done properly. The Thompson seedless grapes variety is from the family of Vitaceae with grown size of height: 10 to 20 ft and width of 0 to 0 ft. This variety of vine needs high maintenance to meet excellent outcomes during production season. The foliage characteristics of this plant is deciduous, foliage colour is green with flowers of green as well. The vine is by standard bloom by mid spring to mid spring. The soil preference is sandy loam to clay loam. Water supply preference is normal and must not be too wet.Simple Tricks for Success in Growing Thompson Seedless GrapeBy following the simple tricks and ways written below, growing Thompson seedless grapes will be likely to succeed.Thompson seedless grapes are a well known grapes variety grown and produced in the hot climates in the western United States of America. Thompson grapes are famous for their sweet and luscious taste. The ripening season is early fall. The size of the fruit is smaller than average and they are either eaten fresh or dried into raisins. After threats of frost are over in the spring, it is timely to plant small rooted cuttings. For better fruit results, plant vines with leaves that are present after May 30.Easy steps to follow in growing Thompson seedless grapesStep 1 location must be full sunlight and the space for the intended rows to run north-south. Take into consideration a location with much drainage system to prevent root rot and diseases.Step 2 There is an available soil test kit on the market to test the pH content of the intended location. The pH preference must be 7.0 to 8.0. To help increase the pH content add limestone to the soil if and only when necessary. Step 3 Till the soil with depth of 8 to10 inches. To increase water drainage and to add the value of nutrients, mix compost in the soil; to optimize the goodness of the soil for healthy crops. Step 4 In rows, plant the vines with a distance of 5 ft apart. To help the stability of the plant and to hold into place, gently pack the soil around the newly planted vines.Step 5 When planting is done; water the vines fully for the roots to be stimulated for fast growth. Do not forget to water the vines at ground level during the hot season to prevent the vines from drying and eventually dying. The standard water supply need for a mature plant is 7 gallons each day during fruit production season. In places where it dries quickly consider watering more often.Step 6 Fertilizing: All young plants need extra nutrient like phosphorous to stimulate growth and develop its roots fully. During the first growing season, it is recommended to apply phosphorous rich fertilizer to the soil as per how much the label suggests. It is best advised to avoid fertilizing late during growing season. Late applications might cause excessive vegetative growth that will not have the chance to mature and harden off before frost or cold weather sets. Heavy fertilization is not required especially in places where nutrients are very much present into the soil. Put compost around the vines in springtime. Step 7 It is important to thin the grape clusters by removing several clusters on each vine. This system or process promotes or encourages berry growth on the remaining clusters.Step 8 Pruning requires 75 to 90% percent removal of past seasons growth. Pruning is during winter dormant season. If the vines are not pruned, they will turn into woody vines. Remember that fruit production occurs on one year old vines.Things you'll need when planning to grow Thompson seedless grapes:1 Limestone2 Tiller3 Shovel4 Hand pruner5 Soil pH kit6 CompostThere you go, if all of the above have been prepared and done, you are by all means, with some work on your way to achieving success growing seedless Thompson grapes.
by Sarah Timberman · 0
One of the most exciting moments in the beer brewing process is when your beer has completed fermentation. At this point, it's ready to drink right? Actually, at this point you still have a ways to go, so you need to resist temptation to drink it. Besides, it isn't ready yet and probably won't taste good anyway. At this point, your beer is flat. You must first carbonate and bottle it, then let it bottle age and fully carbonate. Once you have done this, then you can enjoy some of your hard work.The carbonation part of the beer brewing process is rather easy. Bottling can be a little tricky, but here is a quick run through the after fermentation part of the beer brewing process. If you are brewing with a kit, it probably came with some priming sugar. If not, you will need to purchase some separately. Do not substitute table sugar for this.The instructions that came with the kit may instruct you to add sugar to each bottle individually, but there is a better way to do this. Instead, calculate the total amount of sugar required in the entire recipe, and dissolve that into a quart of water and boil. Make sure the sugar gets completely dissolved. Then, let the mixture cool to 70F, and add it to your bottling bucket before you rack your beer into it. This is known as Bulk Priming.It is important to also remember that before you add anything to the bottling bucket that all equipment, including the bucket be sanitized first. When it comes to the actual bottling, you will need a bottling bucket, siphon tubing, a racking cane, a bottling wand, bottles (at least 50 12 oz bottles), bottle caps and a capper. You don't necessarily need all of these items to bottle, such as the auto siphon or the wand, but these additional items make the process much easier.Once you add the sugar water to the bottling bucket, then carefully add your beer from the fermenter. Be careful that you do not splash or agitate the beer, this will introduce oxygen and possibly contaminate your beer. Attach some tubing to the spigot, and attach the bottling wand to the end of the tubing. Then, simply press down on the wand onto the bottom of the bottle and fill.As an advantage, the bottle wand will leave the perfect amount of headspace in your beer due to displacement. By pressing the tip to the bottom of the bottle you also avoid splashing and aeration. The wand makes the process easier because you control the flow of beer--you can turn the flow on and off simply by pressing and releasing the wand.If you are filling bottles without a wand, you will still want to make sure you are leaving enough headspace in the bottle. Failing to do so can lead to bottle bombs. You are creating CO2 (carbonation) and that pressure has to have somewhere to go if you do not leave some space. Then, simply cap each bottle and store in a cool dark place. Ideally, you will want to store your beer at temperatures between 65F and 75F degrees.It will take about 3 weeks for your beer to become fully carbonated. Make sure to keep your beer away from light, and keep the temperature at a constant. Once it is fully carbonated, the beer is finally ready to put in the fridge and enjoy.
by Sarah Timberman · 0
Read your kit instructions for adding yeast. More than likely it will be a dry yeast that needs to be rehydrated in warm water before pitching. Make sure that you take a hydrometer reading to determine your Original Gravity (OG). This is important to help you determine later in the process when the fermentation has completed. Make sure you seal the fermenter and insert the airlock or blow off tube.At this point you sit back and wait, and let the yeast go to work turning your wort into beer. Your package of yeast should tell you what the ideal temperature range is for fermentation. It is critical that you keep the beer within this range at a steady, constant temperature.The fermentation process takes about 10 days to complete, but the only definite way to know it is done is to check with your hydrometer. If you take readings on consecutive days and get the same reading, and that number is within 5 points of your target Final Gravity, then fermentation is complete. The instructions in your kit should give you your target FG.You can then decide if you want to transfer your beer to a secondary fermenter, or just leave it in the primary for a couple more weeks. Fermentation does not actually happen in secondary fermentation. You only rack to a secondary once the process of fermentation has completed.The secondary fermentation is done to clarify and condition your beer. Not all brewers secondary ferment, and for many types of beers, it isn't necessary. You can research online into this a little further to see why you would and would not want to secondary ferment. From there, you can decide what way works best for you. It doesn't hurt the beer to leave it in the primary for a few more weeks as opposed to racking to the secondary after fermentation is complete. In fact, it will actually make your beer better.Many kit instructions will tell you that your beer only needs to ferment for a week, and then soon after it will be ready to drink. Ignore these instructions. Leaving your beer in the fermenter for 3-4 weeks, whether you secondary ferment or just leave it in the primary, will make much better beer. It may be tough to wait that long, but it will be worth it.Once you have completed fermentation, you are now ready to bottle.First, make sure that the bottles have been sanitized, as well as all the beer brewing equipment you will use for the bottling process--siphon, tubing, bottling wand, caps, and bottling bucket. Your kit may tell you to add sugar to each bottle, but a better way to do it is to take the total amount of sugar called for and thoroughly dissolve it in some boiling water. Let that mixture cool to 70F degrees, and then add that to your bottling bucket. Then, rack your beer into the bottling bucket and take care not to let the beer splash. You can use a siphon to transfer the beer. Here is where it helps to have an auto siphon. If you do not have one, do not use your mouth to start a siphon because your mouth has bacteria and germs that can get into your beer.Let your beer age in the bottles for a few weeks. You need to allow it time to carbonate fully. You could drink it sooner, but allowing your beer to fully prime and bottle condition a couple extra weeks will pay off with better beer. While you are waiting for your first batch of brew, make sure to clean and sanitize all of your beer brewing equipment and go ahead and start your next batch.
by Sarah Timberman · 0
Brewing beer at home is actually an ancient practice that starts back years before Christ. Homemade beer was originally enjoyed by ancient people until the Middle Ages when beer was produced over a large scale for commercial distribution.Producing beers from home was officially allowed in 1978 when federal taxation was lifted for beer brewed for personal use. After that, home brewing ingredients and beer kits suppliers began to flourish. Nowadays, due to the discovery of recent flavorings, colors and body, more new recipes have emerged and certainly you will see more things to expect in the field of beers.Making your very own brew at home is a great chance to research for beer ingredients and come up with inventive natural recipes without any added preservatives. This could be both a thrilling and a challenging experience for home brewers.You actually have a lot of advantages in making homemade beer. Among the many exciting advantages is the chance to discover new flavors. While there are actually step-by-step brewing instructions which are usually packed with beer kits, you might like to test some processes. For instance, boiling the wort at a certain temperature or over that which is required for a specific style of beer is able to bring out the latest flavor together with malt.Also, you possibly can discover other characteristics of the malt to your beer such as the color, aroma and alcohol content if you undertake different combinations. However, you will surely have to get some good tips and advice by a seasoned home brewer when doing this, as overheating of ingredients similar to herbs and flower essences might also adversely affect your beer's overall taste.Aside from hops, enhancing a brew using spices and herbs has additionally become possible with the emergence of commercial beers that include different innovative ingredients such peppers, hazelnuts, goji berries, schisandra and wormwood. However, before testing other herbs and spices, it is just a brilliant concept to talk with somebody who knows more details on herbs and flowers.If you and your friends are regular beer drinkers, homebrewing definitely makes the best approach than buying beer in shops which usually cost more than homemade beers. You'll simply have to select a good collection of brewing equipment once to ensure that for your forthcoming brewing activity, all you need to purchase are the ingredients of the style that you'd like to brew. On top of all these, homebrewing provides a chance of brewing at different alcohol levels. So whether you desire a light or dark-colored to slightly bitter or strong bitter sweet beers, you're capable of doing everything you could wish when you make your own style of beer.These are only some of the advantages in home brewing. Along with a little creativity, you can potentially create your own world-class homemade beer by mixing classic and non-traditional brewing techniques. This is actually the most exciting part in brewing your own beer.
by Sarah Timberman · 0
Now that you know more about the basic Brew In A Bag beer brewing process, there are many ways you can enhance the process in an effort to increase efficiency. If you have tried the BIAB brewing process and managed to hit pretty good efficiency, then these suggestions may not be worth trying, which is the whole point of BIAB beer brewing: simplicity. However, it can be fun to experiment in beer brewing, so here are a couple ways that might just improve your beer.One of the first things you can try is to get a better crush on your grains. You can ask your home brew shop or online supplier to double crush the grains when you purchase them. You could also purchase or make your own grain mill and take care of this at home. Making a grain mill is yet another beer brewing do it yourself project, and you can find many detailed examples online at beer brewing forums.A finer crush of the grains means you will get better efficiency. Plus, since you aren't sparging, you needn't worry about the finer grains clogging up your filter or manifold and causing a stuck sparge. The grain bag you use should be a fine mesh to ensure the grains don't slip through into your wort. If this happens, you can always use the bag as a filter by covering your drain tube with it and passing the wort through the bag.You can also add the step of sparging back into the equation. You can do a full batch or fly sparge if you want to, but you can also do a simplified sparge known as dunk sparging that is common to BIAB brewing. Simply place the bag into a pot of sparge water (heated to no more than 170F) and let the grains soak for 10 minutes. Then, add the sparge water to the kettle.You could also place the grain bag in your bottling bucket and pour the sparge water over the grains to rinse. This makes pouring the water back into the kettle a little easier via the pour spout. Some who BIAB decide to mash in a tun. They use a converted cooler that they already had, but you may decide to go ahead and convert a cooler for this purpose. If you decide to try traditional all grain home brewing at some point, you will need a tun anyway. This allows you to mash a larger grain bill, and can provide a better mash that results in higher efficiency. This isn't too big of an additional step, plus it won't take up too much additional space, so it just might be worth trying.Of course, if you add this step, you aren't too far off from traditional all grain home brewing, especially if you add in the sparge step. You are getting a little further away from true BIAB brewing, but that's what makes beer brewing so much fun. You can add many different variables to the equation in an attempt to make better beer.One other thing some BIAB brewers do is build a pulley with a hook so that they can suspend their grain bag over the brew kettle after mashing to make sure they get every last drop of goodness from the grains. This makes draining a 10, 15, 20 pound or heavier grain bag much easier, especially considering that they will suspend it for 10 minutes or more. Of course, this is more so for larger grain bills that come with bigger beers and bigger batches, and is more likely to be needed by someone who has the capability of brewing outside.
by Sarah Timberman · 0
There is almost nothing as nice as growing something yourself and seeing your hard work and sweat turning into something that you can appreciate. Growing fruits and vegetables yourself is so healthy because you know what has gone into the product and what you are eating. Growing grapes has gotten to be something that many people enjoy. And more importantly they enjoy using those grapes for their homemade wine or some of the best jam you've ever tasted.Growing grapes is something that used to take place on several of the farms across the country but for a while now was seldom seen. But much to my delight I'm seeing more and more yards with a beautiful trellis full of vines and grapes. Not only is growing grapes on your farm a good way to work outside but the taste is so much different than what you would get out of store bought grapes. And amazingly enough growing grapes aren't all that hard. You will just have to have the patience to get them growing good from the start so that you can enjoy them for years to come.As with any type of gardening, when growing grapes you have to have a good soil base for your grapes to get growing well. To have a good soil base you must fertilize. There are many ways that you can fertilize, from the store bought chemicals to the fertilizer that is found in every pasture that has cows, goats or horses in it. If you are one that prefers to use stuff that is bought from a store because you think it's in some way better, then you go right ahead. But I think that the fertilizers that have been here since ruminants were created are the best.If you use fertilizer from a horse or a cow you will need to be sure that it has set for a little bit so that it doesn't kill the plants because of the fact that it's too "hot". But if you want to plant now and don't have time to let the fertilizer sit, use goat fertilizer. Manure from a goat is considered "cool" manure meaning that it won't overheat and kill your plants if not let sit. You can put a little bit around the base of the where you intend to plant the vine before hand and then some afterwards. By doing this, growing grapes will be an easier and far more fruitful task.When growing grapes the plant will need approximately one inch of rain per week for that first year. If you experience a dry spell then of course you will need to water your plants. If you are worried about being able to keep the soil moist then you might consider using AquaRocks as they will work to hold in the moisture.With these two items here being the main factors you have to worry about, you are well on your way to growing grapes that everyone will enjoy.
by Sarah Timberman · 0
Many beginner wine makers are boggled by the sheer number of equipments and supplies used in wine making and this puts them off from trying to make wine at home as they think that it's too complicated.Fret not! If you have been thinking about trying to make wine at home, read the following equipment guide to get a general idea of their purpose and usage in wine making.The fundamental pieces of equipments are: carboys, airlock, siphon, hydrometer and thermometer.A carboy refers to a container used for fermentation of wine. In wine making language, the container is also known as a demijohn. To make wine at home, you can use any container you like as long as it's cleaned and sterilized. Another important criterion is that you must be able to fit an airlock to the container. This leads us to the next question, what is an airlock?An airlock is a simple device used to allow air to escape from a container, yet at the same time, preventing outside air from entering the container. The purpose of this device is to prevent bacteria from infecting your wine. As you probably know, air in the surrounding environment is full of dust particles and bacteria and these are harmful to wine fermentation as they can lead to spoilage of wine. Thus, with an airlock, carbon dioxide produce during fermentation can escape the container and outside air (with bacteria) cannot enter the container to infect the wine.The next device is a siphon and the purpose is very simple - to transfer liquid from one container to the other. For home wine making, it is very common to see 5 gallons (20 litres) of wine being made. Thus, to transfer such large amount of liquids from one container to the other, wine maker usually invest in an auto-siphon to make the process as easy as possible.The last devices are the hydrometer and thermometer. A thermometer requires little explanation for its function, what you need to know is the purpose of having to measure temperature. The purpose of measuring the temperature of the wine is to ensure proper fermentation. Wine yeast thrives best in ambient temperature of 70-80 Fahrenheit (21-27 Celsius). If the temperature is not within these ranges, yeast will not grow well and this will affect wine fermentation.A hydrometer is used to determine the alcohol level of your wine. How do you know that the wine you are making is really wine? What is the alcohol content? To answer all these questions, wine maker will use a hydrometer. The hydrometer checks the relative density of the liquid and base on how much this relative density has fallen during fermentation, wine maker will be able to estimate the alcohol content of the home made wine.
by Sarah Timberman · 0
The satisfaction of brewing at home is one thing that's valuable to every beer enthusiast. That's why most beer lovers are desirous on how to make their own brew. The different tastes and flavours make beers exciting to drink and fun to share with friends. Whether you're an amateur or perhaps an advanced home brewer, you will actually find homebrewing easy with the large choice of potential beer kits made by popular brands. Beginner kits usually incorporate basic brewing supplies, ingredients in addition to some common recipes and everything needed in your first batch of beer.Beer kits often contain a variety of ingredients and supplies that are usually packed according to brewer's ability. You will discover that there are beer kits which include the basic equipment and supplies specific for beginners, intermediate, advanced and professional brewers. Knowing which level of skill you belong plays a vital role in the success of brewing the style that you know. This might also help you in cultivating your craft as well as in systematically advancing to a higher brewing ability.Like other skills, working on your homebrewing skills usually takes time. But when you have mastered your ability, the wait could possibly be rewarding. For beginner brewers, working on your skill won't actually take very long because there are abundant beer making guide and various useful resources that happen to be obtainable on the web.As you discover how to brew your own beer, it's going to be beneficial to get acquainted with common kits which are available. Therefore, you can have more options depending on the variety of beer you would like to brew and dependant on your brewing skills. Following are some of the common beer kits:Beginner Home Brewing Kits - usually include fermenters, hydrometers, thermometers, bottling essentials as well as other supplies. These kits come in different brands and are generally packed with basic beer ingredients together with brewing instructional materials. If you would like to save time from bottling, kegging supplies are also offered to help you in getting started. There are brands that provide complete packages for lager, draught, stout, dark ales and pale ales.Intermediate Brewing Kits - are perfect enough to have your own home brewing skill one step further. Most of these kits typically include basic, upgradable brewing equipment and supplies if you're eager to have a very personal home-brewing system.Advanced Home Brew Kits - there's a big selection of kits for the advanced home brewer. It includes all you need to produce world-class brewery crafted beers.Professional Home Brewing kits - If you are serious in pursuing your homebrewing career, making production-quality brews can be so easy indoors with electric brewing systems where you can craft your very own beer with equipment that uses valves and switches.Whether you're an amateur or an advanced brewer, there's always a beer kit which is fitting to your ability that can assist you master the ability of making world-class quality beers.
by Sarah Timberman · 0
Juicy, sun-warmed, homegrown grapes are a real taste sensation. And once you've had your fill of fresh grapes, you can use the rest to make flavorful wines, juices, and jellies.Grapes are available in a variety of different types. The hardiest Vitis labrusca grapes are American, or fox, grapes, robust growers with rich flavor for fresh eating, jelly, or juice. Vitis vinifera grapes, also known as European wine grapes, are less hardy but produce top-quality wines. They are also good for fresh eating or drying. French-American hybrids combine the best traits of V. vinifera and various American species. Vitis rotundifolia or muscadine grapes grow into extra long vines that thrive in the heat and humidity of warm climate summers. Enjoy these grapes fresh or make them into jelly, juice, or wine.Best Climate and Site:You have to use cultivars appropriate for your area. Here is what you can expect.American Grapes: Most American grapes are hardy but are most reliable where winter low temperatures seldom reach -10 degrees F. They also grow best with a growing season of at least 165 to 180 frost-free days. This allows later-maturing grapes to ripen but is just as necessary for early-ripening cultivars.French-American Hybrids: These hybrids have a wide range of adaptability. Before you buy, check catalog descriptions to find those that are best suited to your particular climate and the length of your growing season. Also look for cultivars that are resistant to disease problems common in your area.Vinifera Grapes: These disease susceptible types are best in arid climates with perfect grape growing conditions. Look for cultivars that need a short winter rest period. For example, 'Cabernet Ruby needs only 50 chill hours; 'Thompson Seedless needs only 100 chill hours.Vitis rotundifolia or Muscadine grapes: Many cultivars have well-developed disease resistance and can withstand high humidity as well as high heat.All of these different kinds of grapes need full sun, good air circulation, and deep, well-drained garden soil. Avoid low spots and other sites prone to late spring frosts. Eliminate any wild grapes growing nearby; they can carry problems that might attack your cultivated grapes.Expanding Your Options You can choose from a variety of different grape types. The most popular table grapes are seedless and easy to eat. Some seedless cultivars include 'Seedless Concord', 'Mars', 'Canadice', and 'Reliance'. You also can dry seedless grapes into raisins; 'Delight', 'Flame Seedless', and 'Lakemont' are a few that are especially good. If you have room for several plants, choose early-, midseason-, and late ripening cultivars to extend your harvest season. Some early-ripening grapes include 'Baco Noir', 'Beta', 'Buffalo', and 'Cascade'. Midseason-maturing grapes include 'Chardonnay', 'Delaware', 'Niagara', 'Sauvignon Blanc', and 'Concord'. Late-ripening cultivars include 'Catawba', 'White Riesling', and 'Sheridan'.Choosing Your Plants Start with 1- year-old plants that are virus-indexed and certified disease-free. For many American and hybrid grapes, it's fine to buy cuttings grown on their own roots. But for vinifera grapes, you'll probably need plants grafted on phylloxera-resistant rootstocks. Also look for cultivars that resist or tolerate the diseases that are most troublesome in your area.Be certain to read nursery catalog descriptions carefully to find out if a cultivar you're considering is self-fertile which means you can get fruit from just one plant. Most cultivars need cross- pollination with a second compatible cultivar to produce fruit.Planting and Care Before planting, set up a support system. You need to space American, hybrid, and vinifera grapes about 8 feet apart along the support, with 5 feet between rows. You also need to space muscadines up to 20 feet apart, with 12 feet between rows.On grafted grapes, set the graft union about 2 inches above the soil level. Set others at the same level they were growing before. After planting, you may want to let grapevine grow untrained for a year to develop a stronger set of roots. Pinch off grape flowers during that year. You'll start training the vine early the following spring.Keep the soil around your vines moist. After the first year or two, when vines are established, they usually don't need supplemental water. In fact, it's preferable to grow fruit-bearing wine grapes in dry conditions to encourage maximum flavor.It's important to mulch under the vines to control weeds. Feed with compost in spring. Vigorously growing muscadines may benefit from some nitrogen-rich fertilizer, such as alfalfa meal, at bloom time. If your vines are growing too vigorously, plant cool-season annual cover crops, such as rye or winter wheat, around them to use up some of the extra nutrients.If your vine sets a heavy crop, thin out some of the clusters to minimize disease problems. While the fruits are still small and hard, remove some of the weakest clusters entirely. It's necessary to snip off some of the fruits in the remaining clusters to open up the bunches.Pruning and Training There are many different grape-training systems appropriate for different cultivars and needs. For example, in cold or disease-prone areas, you can start with two trunks per vine and train them on a V-shaped double trellis. That way, your plant will have another stem if one gets damaged. For vigorously growing vines, use a T-shaped trellis and let the longer side branches cascade over the top to get the maximum amount of light. Most grapes adapt equally well to different training systems.Harvesting Grapes are ready to harvest when they develop ripe color and sweet flavor. On most grapes, entire bunches will ripen simultaneously; harvest the clusters by clipping them off the vine. On muscadines, pick individual grapes as they ripen.Muscadine grapes have to be stored for a week or two in the refrigerator. Other grapes may last about 4 weeks. Freeze, dry, can, or make wine out of what you can't eat fresh.
by Sarah Timberman · 0
With the rising cost of food, bills and other living expenses, do you find life hard at times? Do you need an additional source of income? Have you looked around and taken an inventory of the resources that you have? Do you have a vacant or idle land at home? What about an aptitude for raising plants? Why not turn your hobby or talent into something productive? What I am trying to say is why don't you engage in growing grapes as an additional cash source. You could sell your produce or turn them into jellies or wine.If you plan to venture into grape growing for commercial purpose, you will have to consider investing more money for the tools, labor costs and other gardening materials. You may buy a property or use an existing parcel of land you may have.Before going into your project, it would be best if you could get as much education and training with the aid of books, by attending seminars and trainings and learning from other grape growers in your area. Most growers are willing to be interviewed and share their expertise, but there are trade secrets that you have to learn and discover by yourself. Your local nursery guy might be of help also.Let me give you four basic things that you need to remember for your grape growing business.Check on your hardiness zoneSelection of the ideal variety for your area can be done with the aid of using the USDA map.Concord grapes can grow in zones 5 to 8 and is a versatile plant and comes either as seeded and seedless and is good for making jelly, or wine. If you want a winter hardy grape, use Frontenac, an ideal variety for wine making which can grow in zones 3 up to 7.If you want table grapes you may use Golden Muscat which are ideal for zones 5 to 8. Both Marquiss seedless and Chardonel make good wine and can grow in zones 5 to 8.Source of fundsFund sourcing is just one of the many problems of would-be entrepreneurs. You can get the money from your retirement pension, from your savings or borrow money from the bank. There are agricultural loaning agencies that might help you in this matter. If you own the land, you will have lesser cost. You may even apply for government grants for the equipments needed for your vineyard. With a little legwork and networking with the right persons, I know your financial problem will be solved and eventually you will find funds for your project.Questions to ask yourselfBefore venturing into your grape growing business, ask yourself these questions:• Is your property ideal for grape production? Where can you find info on how to plant the vines and the varieties suited to your area?• Are you going to produce table grapes or grapes for wine? Are you going to make your wine or just sell the grapes to other winery? Your income will be higher if you choose to plant grape wines and make the wine yourself.• Do you know of grape buyers in your area and their varietal needs? Where are they? Have you figured out a marketing plan?• Are you familiar with the latest trend in grapes or wine production? Have you heard of ecological wine making?Although you may not keep up with the competition because you are maybe new in the industry, it pays to know all things that are happening in the grape growing business as a whole.Things you needThe prices of the things you need may vary depending on your area. Just to give you an idea of the work or services, and the things you need for growing grapes, here are the list:Grafted rootstock vines, soil test, lime, gypsum and other soil requirements, vineyard layouting, deep ripping the land for root penetration and drainage, cover crop to build up soil organic matter and nitrogen content, treated pine posts for end box assemblies, steel posts, vine guards for protection against rabbits, wind and chemical spray drift, irrigation pipe, drippers and connectors.You will incur labor costs for building of end assemblies, putting wires and pine and posts, installing irrigation lines, weeding, spraying, planting the vines, fertilizer application and weed spraying.
by Sarah Timberman · 0
Growing a grape vine is simple and one of the easiest fruits to grow. Any individual can harbor their hobby in a well-evolving profit making business. In today's world a grape grower stands to make a lot of profit with their harvest. A good quality stock of grapes can be sold in a market to make huge profits. Wine making industry is one of the major industries available today. Grapes being one of the key components in the manufacture of wine it has a good demand in the market. Apart from this there are various other business options with grapes like juices, jelly making, candles and lot more.Some of the key factors involved in growing a grape vine include the soil, weather condition, optimum sunlight, etc. The weather is an important factor in vine growth, quality and productivity of the grapes. Basically for the vine to grow it requires hot and humid climate. First and foremost an individual needs to verify the type of soil in the area and must check what breed of grapevine grows best in the soil. The best course of action is to identify the suitable form of grapes compatible with the soil to inquire with the local gardener or identify the breed generally found in the area. The soil should be well-balanced with adequate mineral and nutrient content to produce top quality grapes.It is highly advisable to consult a professional and get the soil tested. The profession will provide the necessary information regarding the quality of the soil and prescribe the right amount of additives for well-balanced soil condition. The level of water and the frequency of watering the plant play an important role in growing a grape vine. Soil should have adequate drainage so that the grape vein absorbs the right quantity of water. The base of the soil also plays a vital role. If the soil is clay based the grape vine should be watered less often as clay absorbs more water. Similarly, if the soil is sand based the grape wine should be frequently watered. The upper part of the veins requires optimum exposure to sunlight in order to grow, similarly the lower part of the root requires relatively cooler temperature to survive. Also the root should be planted in thirty to forty inches of loose soil so that the root has adequate space to expand and spread.One of the basic essentials in growing a grape wine is pruning. Pruning a grape vine is done to avoid foliage, which ultimately affects the quality of the fruit. Pruning should be done on a periodic basis and a lot of care and attention needs to be given to avoid harm to the plant. Like any other form of fruit if grape vein is left unattended for a period of time it will lead to overgrowth of the vegetation leading to poor quality of the fruit. Pruning is done to keep the veins in balance and ensure better size, productivity and shape of the fruit.
by Sarah Timberman · 0
While growing wine grapes, the basic thing to remember is that each grape variety is unique in its own way with its own distinct flavor and characteristics. Grapes from the Vitis vinifera family are the most commonly used variety of grapes used for wine making. Usually this variety is found in Europe but there are varieties that are abundant in North America as well. The Vitis Labrusca is another popular variety and is commonly found in eastern parts of United States and Canada.Success in growing wine grapes largely depends on suitable climatic conditions and the variety of vine you choose. These are the most important factors in growing wine grapes which ultimately decide the quality of grapes. Extreme climatic conditions may destroy the whole crop and it cannot be imagined how destructive it can be. Under ideal conditions such a variety should be chosen which ripens during the cooler temperatures instead of summers.Though soil condition is important for any type of vineyard, they can still be manipulated by adding fertilizers and minerals. The most important thing is to provide necessary mineral content to the roots. You need to test the soil and see if it is free of toxic mineral content. Irrigation channels can be provided so as to make sure that that there is enough soil moisture level.However, climatic conditions cannot be changed and the only way you can probably provide somewhat better climatic condition is by application of greenhouse transplant. So make sure that the fruit varieties you choose have a proven track record of growing properly in the climatic zone you wish and desire to grow your wine grapes. This will help you greatly in improving your chances of an excellent harvest of grape wine.It may so happen that you don't have an alternative. However, in case you are successful in choosing your area for growing wine grapes, care should be taken to avoid such areas where there are very low winter and spring temperatures. Moreover you should also avoid such areas where there is frequent or excessive change in temperatures or there are early frost fall.Avoid Vine Direction DisastersSince frost plays a very destructive role in growing wine grapes, you should see to it that you don't choose lowlands for cultivation since these are the areas where frost hits the hardest. Usually frost settles in these areas first and remains there for a long time. For growing grape wines it is better to choose slopes facing south as there is a bit more sunshine. In areas of high rainfall slopes facing east are better as the rising sun dries the slopes faster. This helps in reducing diseases caused due to accumulation of moisture.Three crucial factors are to be kept in mind while speaking about climate:The climate of the region: this includes humidity and temperature range.
The climate of the site: includes drainage and slope.
The climate of grape vine: includes environment within a specified area like a cluster and canopy.The place you choose should have a long growing season so that vines properly mature. It means that there should be enough sunlight while the fruit ripens because sunlight is most essential while the fruit ripens.Though it may seem as if there are a number of things to consider, be assured that the plant needs your attention not just once. After they are put in the ground the grape plants only need pruning from time to time. You should be able to find out the right place for growing wine grapes. Though it may take some time, but once you have found it, half the task is done. The next step is to choose a grape variety that suites that particular climatic condition. You can also ask for expert guidance from experienced grape and vineyard growers which would take you to the path of success.
by Sarah Timberman · 0
Many people are unaware of the time and effort that goes into growing grapes and a vineyard. For those who are looking to grow seedless grapes, there are a few things that you should know before you jump in and start. Seedless grapes are a little more difficult to grow as opposed to grapes that have seeds in them. This is because the production is missing one important thing that makes a grape seedless. Let's look at the grape growing system more in details.One of the most common things a person thinks about when determining how to grow seedless grapes is how they are going to grow them without using the grape seed. To do this, seedless grapes are produced by using shoots and then cutting the grape vines. This is one of the reasons you need to make sure you have access to these vine cuttings to help you grow this type of grape in your yard or garden.There are however, some basic skills that you are going to need to know before getting started. Some people feel it's easy, while others know it's a bit time consuming. There are several things that you need to prepare including the soil, in order to ensure that the vines grow the way they should and are healthy. You also need to determine the type of grape you want to grow. There are hundreds of grape varieties, and a great place to start is to determine what you plan to use the grape for. There are many varieties that are seedless as well, and you should begin b choosing the one you want.Perhaps one of the most well known seedless grapes is known as the Green Sultana. This grape is also known as Thompson seedless grapes. There is however one tiny flaw to them. And that is that the grapes tend to be smaller as opposed to other types of grapes. Therefore, if you don't want smaller grapes, this is not the grape choice for you, and this plant should be avoided at all cost.Other varieties of seedless grapes outside of the Green Sultana include Reliance, Vanessa, Canadice, and Einset Seedless. Every variety of grapes has its own set of characteristics as well as features to it. They also have their advantages as well as their disadvantages just as with any other type of grape. These things can include taste, size, and the requirements they need in order to grow such as soil types and environment.For this reason, when choosing a growing grape system, research all the types of grapes and see what their goods and downs are as well as what they can offer. Try to stick to grapes that you want as far as what you plan to use the grape for.Also, be sure that when you are determining care and upkeep of your vines, that you have the item and effort that is going to be required from you. Build a trellis system in order to better support them once the fruit has grown.
by Sarah Timberman · 0
If you are a neophyte to grow grapes then these guidelines will provide you with the nitty-gritty of getting started. These guidelines will focus on choosing the proper place for planting. Grape growing needs good site which includes good soil drainage, right variety of soil, and good air drainage. Air drainage must be taken into consideration. Grapes can grow well on a slope. However, in the absence of a slope, find a place where cold air can be easily drained away. This will help in the prevention of some frost damage. Consider the cold air as flowing water. This will give an idea of the whether the air would drain away. Next thing to be considered in grape growing is water situation. The place must not be prone to accumulating water. When the grapes are dormant, there is a possibility that they will tolerate certain quantity of water yet this is not encouraged. To grow grapes, the soil must be prepared right. Many organic matters are needed to be put in the soil. It doesn't mean just mixing. The better method is to place on top and allow the organisms, bacteria, earthworms, microscopic insects and so on to carry and work them down to the soil. This will be of help in keeping the structure of the soil intact and improving it at the same time.It is much better to grow grapes if they are planted without doing any fancy thing in the hole that has been dug. The formation of the soil should be left in the original position as much as possible. Mulch materials are better to be placed on top of the soil and permit them to get into the soil. This method allows the plant to absorb the nutrients of the organic materials from the soil. Grape growing have been known for years for their medicinal benefits in treating liver and kidney disease, skin, nausea, cancer and eye infections. It was also proven to increase the number of antioxidants inside the body.Certain studies have been conducted to discover that grapes contain antioxidants which can actually aid in preventing and alleviating the indications of certain disorders. Grape growing is beneficial since it contains sugar, potassium, sodium, silicon, iron, carotene, tartaric acid and a lot more. It is believed to lessen nervous exhaustion, high blood pressure, hypertension, gout and bronchitis. Grapes are recommended to be included in the diet to strengthen the body especially for people who are recovering from metabolism disorder, anemia, chronic insomnia, gastritis and constipation. Grapes are also one of the best wines all over the world. On the other hand, not all people know which grapes compose good wines and they are in the dark totally as to what grapes variety make good wines. In general, a neutral wine which is fruity and soft are produced from Auxerrois grape. This variety of grapes can be mixed up with the Pinot Blanc. The Cabernet Sauvignon variety contain tannin which aids in bring out a red wine of great taste. Chardonnay grapes produce fruity taste and are easy as far as white grape growing is concerned. Other varieties that produce wine are Grenache, Merlot, Muscadine, Zinfandel, and Pinot Noir grapes.These are some of the grapes which can productively produce good wine. A lot of vineyards want to market grapes for the production of wine. Visiting local vineyards can be a good option to check the varieties of grapes that will produce the best selling grape wine. It is advisable to utilize the whole grape in making wine at home although
by Sarah Timberman · 0
For several years wine making has been practiced through the process called as vinification, this is a very simple method as compared to the other methods of making alcoholic beverages. The process of wine making involves six basic steps:1. Viticulture
2. Harvesting
3. Crushing
4. Fermentation
5. Clarifying the solution
6. BottlingViticulture: As a known fact the flavor of the wine is dependent on the kind of grapes which are used. The variety of grapes depends on the place where they are grown, the climate of the place where they are grown, the drainage system around the winery, the quality of the soil, humidity content of the region and even the exposure levels to the sun. Other than these factors, one of the most important which is an important determinant in the making of wine is the techniques used to make the wine. In fact the different wineries formulate a customized wine making procedure according to the needs of their winery, so that they can bring out the best flavors of their grapes.Harvesting: The next step in the winemaking process is the harvesting of the finely cultivated grapes. When the grapes are ripped and harvested it is very important that the timing of ripping the grapes is apt and the exact timing can be ascertained through experience. The timing of the ripping the grapes should be such that the grapes have the apt combination of sugar, acid and moisture. The harvesting of the grapes can be either done manually or mechanically, however majority of the grape wineries rip it manually.Crushing: The next step after the grapes have been harvested is to crush and press so as to have their inherent flavors in the form of liquid. As the fruits are crushed the grapes withdraw their moisture content and the sugars. Many wineries make the usage of specialized machines for the process of crushing and pressing the grapes. The resultant liquid which is formed after crushing and pressing the wines is referred to as must, at this stage the wine will either turn into red color or white color depending on the preference of the winemaker. The wines become red when they are simply left after they are crushed because in this stage juices from the skin and the flavors are ripped off, thus when you leave the must for a certain period of time, the wine become red wine, and in case you immediately crush the wine after pressing and segregate the skin then the wine becomes white wine.Fermentation: After the grapes are being crushed and pressed, the fermentation takes place since the grapes have good quantity of sugar and moisture they easily get fermented with the reaction of wild yeast. Fermentation takes almost 10 to 30 days, however this depends on the quality of grapes and the climate.Clarifying the solution: The next step in wine making is clarifying the solution. It is also referred to as stabilization.Bottling: The final stage is to transfer the clarified solution in the wooden barrels or bottles.
by Sarah Timberman · 0
Growing your own produce whether fruit or vegetables is rewarding in more ways than just saving money on expensive shop prices. Being able to walk on your own land and pick your very own home grown grapes is quite an experience. However to get to that stage you need to understand a few basics. If you simply plant a vine there is a better than even chance it will grow. That's not the same as flourish. To enable any plant to develop into a healthy one and in the case of a crop producer like a grapevine, a productive plant needs the proper care and attention.Before you even go out to buy one or more vines a bit of research is warranted because different varieties of rootstock demand different conditions. While some can happily cope with slightly cooler areas and less sun other will fail to develop and may even die. So ensure you select the right type of rootstock from the vast choice that will thrive in your locality.Next get the ground prepared. I personally prefer to install the trellis before planting the rootstock for the simple reason it is easier than trying to build a trellis around exisiting plants. Also there is less chance of damage to the plant especially roots when sinking trellis posts onto the ground.The initial soil preparation for all vines is pretty much the same. The roots will be able to spread and put out a good network in ground that has had a liberal amount of well rotted organic material or manure deep dug into it prior to planting. The make-up of the soil should be reasonably well draining but not too light. Vines don't like sitting in boggy ground but they will dry out too quickly in hot weather in fast draining ground. This can cause damage to the plant and if in fruit the grapes can split when watered.It will take a couple of years or so for a young vine to even begin to start producing grapes. The quality and quantity you get will be much dependant on the care you give the plant in feeding, watering and more importantly the pruning. Pruning a grape plant correctly is vital because it will affect its shape, size and the fruit production. During the early years it is vital several strong shoots are selected and allowed to grow. In subsequent years these shoots and others will become the 'limbs' of the vine. In time the limbs will further produce wood and growth that will bear the grape bunches. You need to understand the basic rules of which shoots to select and develop and what to prune away. If you fail to prune properly your plant may be lush in leaves and branches but have little or poor grapes because all the energy has gone into useless growth at the expense of the fruit.Even from the first year standard care and maintenance of the plants involve ensuring you are vigilant against pests and disease. There are certain pests that may not be a bother in the early years such as birds but later as heavy bunches of grapes adorn your trees birds will attack them and netting or other safe ethical deterrents will be needed. As any new parent soon learns, you will need to recognise symptoms of illness and more critically signs of disease. The sooner something not right is detected and dealt with the better before it becomes serious and a real threat to the life of your plant.Grape vines are really no different to any other kind of garden plant. They have their own likes and dislikes and are prone to their own types of diseases and health problems. That being said they are extremely easy to grow and care for and the rewards are fantastic. Even if it is just one vine in a plant pot on a patio, grow some grapes, you'll never regret it.
by Sarah Timberman · 0
Even if you have a small backyard, you can always have a grapevine which will supply your family's fruit requirements if you will do grape growing in pots. Many people with limited home space or are living in urban areas do this kind of home gardening and are successful in doing so. The things you need are pots, vines, scissors and loam soil.The method of grape growing in pots originated out of the need to produce grapes the whole year round. This has given people an idea to engage in grape production with the use of pots or containers.The grape varieties that can thrive well in pots are the Delight or Early Muscat - both belonging to the white grape variety and the Beauty seedless as well as the Emperor, a red grape variety. Some of the vinifera varieties that won't thrive well in grape growing in pots are the Thompson seedless and Flame seedless varieties.You need pruned stems of about 12-18 inches, cut straight at the bottom and slanting on the top. Soak the vines in water for a few minutes before planting them. Make sure a node is above the soil and plant the vine's flat end down.One advantage of growing grapes in this manner is that you can transfer your plant to a good location during adverse weather condition. Lots of sunshine is very essential to grape production, so position your plant in a location where they will receive adequate amount of sunlight and aeration. It is okay for the root system to be shielded from the sun but not with the upper portion of the plant. The sun is what makes your plant produce healthy fruits and vines.Fill your pot with good silt loam soil. If your soil is healthy you only need minimal fertilization for your vines to grow well. If you can use organic fertilizer, so much the better. Your family will be safe and healthier. With regards to trellis management, you can make one or if you have posts or pillars at your home, they could be used to support the vine.Small pots can absorb the sun's heat very quickly and dry out, so it is better to plant your vines in a much bigger container that will allow the full development of the grapevine's root system. One thing to remember in grape growing in pots is that broad and narrow is better. A pot 15-20 inches deep and 30-35 inches wide is fine.Aside from the ease of maintaining your grapevine at the comforts of your home, once they start to grow in trellis and in full bloom, they can be very beautiful to look at. What a relaxing experience also to pick your grapes directly from your home garden as they start producing fruits.A very important reminder and a must thing to do is to prune the vines because if not, they won't be able to produce fruits.
by Sarah Timberman · 0
As you research beer brewing and kegging your home brew, you will see a term used again and again: Cornelieus Keg, also referred to as "corny" kegs. Just what exactly are these?Typically home brewers use smaller kegs than the ones you may be used to seeing. The typical kegs from commercial breweries for use in bars and restaurants are the 15.5 gallon sized kegs. While you can certainly choose to use these, most home brewers instead use the smaller 5 gallon size kegs known as Cornelius Kegs. These kegs offer the home brewer many advantages.First, a typical home brew batch is 5 gallons, so the larger kegs are not necessary. Plus, moving and storing a 5 gallon keg is much more convenient than the larger kegs. If you have a converted chest freezer that you are using for your kegerator, it is nearly impossible to lift a full 15.5 gallon keg in order to drop it in from the top. The smaller kegs allow for you to store a variety of home beers to have on tap. Plus, you can fit more kegs into a smaller kegerator to save on space. You can store up to 3 or 4 corny kegs in a freezer as small as 5.5 to 7 cubic feet. Finally, the corny kegs are much cheaper than the larger ones.Cornelius kegs get their name from the original manufacturer of them, the Cornelius Company originally out of Annoka, Minnesota. The canisters were originally designed for soda companies as a means to distribute their sodas in restaurants. However, in recent years the soda companies have switched to using soda mixes in plastic bags encased in cardboard boxes for restaurant distribution. This has resulted in many Cornelius kegs that are no longer in use. But their loss is the home brewers gain.One advantage of the Cornelius keg is the fact that all the sizes and shapes of the fittings are standardized, so finding replacement parts is easy. Since there are many of them out there, they are perfect to recondition and use for beer brewing purposes. There are other companies that make corny kegs, so finding them isn't too difficult. You can purchase one new, or look around to find one that is used. Chances are that there is a soda distributor in your town, and you can talk with them to see if they have any old cornys available to sell.Corny kegs come with two types of valves, ball lock and pin lock. These locks indicate the type of method used to couple the hose fittings to the valves. It is an important tip to know that the fittings are not interchangeable, so it is best to make sure that when you purchase additional corny kegs that you buy the same type of valves in order to avoid confusion.It isn't a bad idea to start with two kegs. That way, you can always have a back up batch of brew ready to go, and have a constant pipeline of home brew at all times. Of course, as you get sucked into beer brewing, you may find that you want to have several kegs available so you can have a variety of home brews on tap.
by Sarah Timberman · 0
Home brew beer kits are an extremely popular way for people to easily and economically enter into the home brewing hobby. Although these brew kits are very basic, with some simple tweaking and attention to the basic principles of brewing, novice home brewers can raise their beer quality from merely average to outstanding.First, in order to home brew quality beer, a basic understanding of the process is needed. There are generally three main steps for brewing beer in home brew beer kits: brewing and fermentation, bottling and carbonation, and conditioning. Let's examine these steps in more detail.1. Brewing/fermentationFermentation starts with a thick, syrupy liquid called wort. Wort is the final liquid obtained from heating malted grains for specific times at specific temperatures in a process called mashing. Which grain is chosen for the mash will mostly determine the flavor of the beer. Wort contains the sugars that will be fermented by the brewing yeast to produce alcohols and flavour compounds. Home brew beer kit manufacturers have already done this work of mashing for you and provide the wort in cans. Often, they have also already pre boiled the wort with hops to provide desired bitterness and flavor. In this case, the wort is known as pre-Hopped Malt Extract or HME. As their interest in the hobby grows, many home brewers start trying their hand at the mashing process as this is where the flavours and quality of beer can be really finessed.The can of wort is warmed or boiled, poured into the fermentation container (usually a provided brew keg or carboy) and water added to a prescribed level. Sugar may or may not be required to be added to the liquid wort at the time of heating, depending on which kit you have purchased. Once the wort is cool, yeast is added to it. This is called "pitching the yeast". The fermentation container is closed and mixture is left for the yeast to ferment the sugars, producing taste and alcohol content. Once fermentation is complete you are ready to bottle your beer.2. Bottling and CarbonationAt the end of fermentation, you will have beer, but it will be very flat tasting beer. This is because the yeast will have exhausted most of its sugar sources during fermentation. You will need to add back a sugar source for the yeast to act on to give the beer its bubbly taste. Some kits will provide carbonation drops that you add to every bottle before filling with your beer, or some kits require adding sugar to the fermented mixture prior to bottling. In any case, although time consuming, this step is usually simple and straightforward. Once bottled, the yeast will carbonate the beer over time. Once this phase is complete, you will condition your beer.3. ConditioningConditioning is the name given to the time when the last yeasts are slowly fermenting the remaining sugars and alcohols. It is also known as the secondary phase or sometimes secondary fermentation. During this time, the easily digestible sugars are gone, and the yeast will start to work on some of the more complex sugars and unpleasant tasting compounds they produced during fermentation. Digestion of these by-products will take the rough edge off the taste and converts them to pleasant tasting compounds. It is also during this time that the beer will clear. Conditioning can be done at room temperature or it can be done in the fridge.4. Taste and enjoy!Once conditioning is complete, if you haven't already, chill the beer, invite over some friends for the inaugural opening, and enjoy!Please join us in Part Two of this series, where we will discuss common problems and solutions in the brewing and fermentation stage.
by Sarah Timberman · 0
If you're looking for a gardening experience beyond tomatoes and basil, you may want to consider grapes, since there's plenty of grape growing information out there for the neophyte. Aficionados are enthusiastic and happy to share their secrets. Their message is that grape growing is doable with a little planning and a little homework to learn what's involved.As a start, it's best to decide what kind of grape you're interested in growing. A lot will depend on your soil type, exposure to sunlight, and climate. Grapes are quite particular about where they live, so make a list of what you have to offer. With list in hand, head to an experienced nursery in your area for the final choice. There, they'll know what will work and what won't.If you've decided to want to try some wine-making, a Concord is the most dependable variety in the east and the vinifera is best in the west. Before bringing baby home, be sure to prepare the soil. You may need to adjust the acidity and strategize where the sunlight is the best and the room plentiful for spread.Sunlight is a sine qua non for a grape yield. Grape vines will out-compete pretty much anything smaller than a giant Redwood to get what they need. A southern exposure with good drainage should be the front-runner for your plant.The actual planting is a non-event. Simply dig a pretty big hole, loosen and spread the root ball, and tuck it in with rich soil and a layer of mulch. For a good part of the growing season, it won't need much besides regular water and an occasional dose of fertilizer. Grape vines are native to America and voracious growers, even when neglected.The one thing the young grape plant will need you for is support. Without a trellis or other support to grow along (stretched wire between 2 posts works quite well), the young growing shoots will droop to the ground and rot. You can train the shoots early to form a nice neat path along the supports, by tying them lightly to the wires as they grow. They'll be too weak to bear fruit the first year or two. So plan for your first wine-tasting closer to grape plant adulthood, which will be in the third growing season.Pruning is the one critical aspect of maintaining the vines and ensuring a good grape yield. As the plant ages, only a few strong large trunk vines are kept with a small amount of new growth to serve as back-up in case the trunk vines get damaged in the cold season.Grapes are pretty resistant to most insects, but are vulnerable to fungus. You have to keep an eye out for this. It's not difficult to fight if you catch it early and treat with fungicide. The grapes also attract birds and there will never be enough for both you and them; netting is pretty much a must once the grapes start juicing up, so you can beat out the birds and reap your harvest. No longer a neophyte, you can join the community of enthusiasts with your own store of grape growing information.
by Sarah Timberman · 0
Wine making can be done and produced at home using the four basic wine making phases: selection and extraction, fermentation, clarification and stabilization, and ageing.Selection and Extraction
Selecting the highest quality of grapes and harvesting them in its finest condition is part of the first phase of wine making. Home winemakers like us may have a difficult time in sourcing and selecting the finest quality of grapes because we can only buy in small quantities based on our needs.After you have found and gathered the best grapes, the extraction process begins. The extracting process can be done by pressing or with the use of extractors. You can also use boiling or soaking in order to extract the flavor of the fruit. The liquid or sludge formed by the juice, liquid, seeds and skin is known as a must.Fermentation
Fermenting the grapes is the second phase of wine making. During fermentation several factors are taken into control and managed by the winemakers such as the quantity of yeast, temperature, type of container and the skin contact time of the grapes all of which may affect the quality of the wine. Even the aroma of the sludge or must is controlled by blending certain nutrients into the mixture so that it will be less acidic and to prevent the acids from blending with the other aromas.To fully ferment the wine it will have to be left in a container for a couple of weeks and even months without moving it until the fermentation comes to a stop on its own characterized by the clearing of the wine and when no bubbles appear in the airlock.Clarification and Stabilization
After fermentation, two basic types of wine are produced: red wine and white wine. Both these wines have to be clarified and stabilized. Wine is clarified by the processes of fining, racking and filtration while stabilization is done by removing excess protein and cream of tartar (potassium bitartrate) from the wine. These proteins and tartrates are removed so that they will not precipitate although some would precipitate out at as early as primary fermentation making the wine more stable.Ageing
Wine is aged in a variety of containers depending on the quantity of fermented wine. During the aging phase, the winemakers actively take part in the smelling, tasting and measuring of the wines so as to be able to put in the necessary adjustments right away. Wine has to be aged so that it will have its unique flavor and aroma. After a few weeks of ageing the wine it is transferred to bottles where the ageing process continues.After the wine has aged then it is finally ready to be served and tasted. The quality of the wine is pre-determined by the quality of the grapes used at the start. Homemade wine can be strong up to 18-20%, so be careful in drinking.
by Sarah Timberman · 0
As much as you want to grow grapes, you may have no idea as to how they are planted and grown. The mere fact that grapes are grown in vast vineyards commercially might even scare you and lead you to question your ability to handle growing them in your home. If you want to grow grapes from your garden so badly, read through the following grape growing guide and you will realize that growing grapes is not that hard at all. It is only a matter of perseverance, patience, and your strict adherence to an easy step-by-step guide on grape growing.Check the availability of space in your garden:Don't get too excited. You can't visit a gardening store just yet. Take a good look at your garden first before making any rash decisions and see if there is an available space to grow grapes or if there is room to make space. Each grape vine should have a gap of 6 to 8 feet between each other, depending on a grape vine's vigor. The more vigorous they are, the more space you'll need. Make your choice in consideration of the available space in your backyard.Find out which grape varieties are well-adapted to your area:No, you still can't buy any grape vines for growing. But you can visit a nursery professional in your locality from whom you can find out which grape varieties are suited to your area. Some varieties, for example, are more resistant to frost than others. If the climate in your region is colder than usual, the nursery professional will advise you as to what grapes you can grow in an area. Who knows? He or she may turn out to be generous enough to give you a grape growing guide. You may also do some personal research by buying books or surfing the Internet for resources that will inform you of the grape vines suitable for growing in your region.Take your pick:You too should know that certain grapes are solely grown to produce wine while others are for table-eating and for making grape juice or jelly. There are also varieties that are versatile enough to be used for all these purposes. As a home grower, you should identify what you want to get out of your home-grown grapes so that you can pick out from the list of grape vines suitable to thrive in your region.Check your soil:First of all, the soil should be composed of loam or be at least sandy. Secondly, the soil should have a good, draining quality. Thirdly, it should be acidic with a pH between 5.0 and 6.5, depending on the acidity that your chosen grape vine prefers.Visit a garden store and make your purchase:Now that growing conditions for your grape vines are set, take a visit to a local garden store and purchase grape seedlings of your selected grape variety. Take them home and place them in the sunniest place of your garden (most likely facing the south) while you prepare the soil.Prepare the soil and carefully plant your grape seedlings:Prepare the soil by digging holes that are large enough for the roots of your grape seedlings. Remember to place these holes in areas where the sun shines the most. Grape roots may be damaged by squeezing them in small holes. This damage will result in delaying the growth and the maturity of your grape vine seedlings. Fertilizers can also be added into the soil if you are not confident of your soil's natural nutritional content. It is necessary that you dampen your soil at this stage.Set flexible watering schedules:Grape vines that are still too young to bear grapes need to be watered more frequently - at least once a week or more, often depending on climate conditions. As soon as your grape vines bear fruit though, watering should be done less frequently as it will only delay the ripening of the grapes.Pruning:The meticulous pruning of your grape vines will train them to bear more grapes without compensating their quality. Without it, the quantity and quality of your grapes will be poor.With the above grape growing guide, growing grapes has never been easier. Just follow each of the above steps and you are guaranteed to be successful in growing grapes from your home.
by Sarah Timberman · 0
It's true. Growing grapes can be done right in your own yard. You can enjoy the health, emotional and even financial rewards over time from growing grapes. Gardening and other vigorous activities promote wellness and normal blood flow in your body, so if you're a senior or a stay at home, growing grapes in your home is a worthwhile hobby. And of course, if your grape vine thrives and is healthy, you can enjoy grapes for free and sometimes sell your surplus harvest to the nearest local market. Here are some great tips for growing grapes effectively.The first fact that you have to know is that there are certain grape species that can only thrive in certain climates that are appropriate for growing that kind of grape species. You may want to plant Chardonnay and Riesling grapes and dream of producing white wine, but if you are in Florida, that would be impossible. Riesling and Chardonnay are species under Vitis Vinifera, a grape species which requires a long hot season and mild winter. North American countries, France and Luxembourg may be grape-growing countries but Auxerrois ( a grape variety that produces a fruity taste) can only be grown in Luxembourg and Canada. Barbera, which has a tarry flavor, can only be grown in Italy and California. There are sites that are dedicated just to giving you detailed descriptions of grape species for growing grapes effectively.Before getting started, you should know that growing grapes is also like taking care of an infant. Grapes need plenty of sunlight and lots of care. After choosing the type of grapes, check the site and location of your yard whether it has ample sunlight for growing grapes. Competition for sunlight from other taller trees and plants will make your vines sickly. Sunlight is still one of the natural fighters of fungi and other viruses that will attack your grape vines. Check for taller building structures that may hinder sunlight from coming in your yard. Grapes grown with sufficient sunlight are much juicier and better tasting then those grown in dark areas.The type of soil and its mineral content are also factors in growing grapes. The soil should neither be too moist nor too dry. It should also have the characteristic of not holding water in its particles. It's advised to till the soil first before planting any grape root stock. Check and remove broken bottles and other non-biodegradable materials in the soil. Also remove weeds and stray shrubs in your garden. Weeds will only compete for soil nutrients that your grapes need for growth. Because the roots of your grape vines will extend deeper in the ground, removing boulders and other stones will also be helpful. Also, make sure that in growing grapes, the soil does not appear to be eroding as this will only remove the soil mineral content.After sometime, your grape vines will start growing sturdy branches. Thus, there is a need to create reliable trellises and a good fence that will block the vines from further crawling outside your yard. To prevent thicker and longer vines, it is better to prune your vines regularly, probably in the months of February and March. If grape vines are in good positions, one can be certain that they will last until harvest. The best time to harvest your grapes is during an early frost. The cold weather helps preserve the grapes so that they will last longer and unharmed. With these easy tips, hopefully you will be rewarded in growing grapes in your yard. After harvest time, you can do anything to your grape, turn it into a wine, dry it or turn it into preserves and sweets, just possibly anything that could make you happy and fulfilled!
by Sarah Timberman · 0
If you learn the simple process to grow the grapes it will be soon time for you to consider your grape growing activity as a business. The process of growing grapes can be quite a big task if you wish to make some income from it. By keeping all basics right you can proceed with different varieties of grapes, healthy grapes. Today this fruit is one of the healthy diets offered by doctors, gym specialists and many more to take care of lots of health issues. In order to meet the growing demands of people towards grape jams, jellies, juices and pulps, wine and drinks, lots of farmers take up grape cultivation as a profession. Grape growing, management, maintenance and care activities and related posts are well explained online for the beginners willing to grow grapes at their backyards.A simple process to grow grapesIdentification of cultivator
Right kind of potting as well as reporting times
Proper refrigeration as well as thawing temperature
Individual soil conditions
FertilizersThe process for growing crops at home in details may include some essential steps to take care of climate, soil, moisture, fertilizer, trellis, purification and harvesting.If you wish to grow the grape crops at home in large quantity and make some business out of it you need to consider the climate suitable for cultivation at first. You just cannot go out there and plant the seeds and expect grapes of quality taste. Growing grapes at suitable climate is so essential to get the right taste fruits out for business. Favorable climate conditions, not too high and not too cold, will let the crops come out from the seeds and produce tasty sweet grapes.
To suit the climate you need to have proper soil ready for the plantation of grapes. A well fertilized soil mixed with compost will do the trick. Soil that is filled up with required nutrients and has got a perfect water soaking ability will ensure the grapes grow well.
When you have a right kind of soil with accurate moisture you can assure great growth of the grapes. In order to avoid rotting of the roots of crops it is essential to avoid keeping them open for more than 24 hours.
If you mix up proper fertilizers in the soil after regular period it will help in quick growth in grapes. Any kind of suitable fertilizer or compost that is made from dried leaves will be handy for sure.
Grape fruit generally grows from a vine and requires a kind of trellis. Grape plants are creepers and they creep faster so you need to have a support to let the crops climb higher.
You also need to keep cutting the dried up and damaged leaves and buds so as to promote growth of the good ones.If you handle all these grape growing steps smoothly you will find them out pretty simple and pleasing. Later the grapes that get cultivated prove to be sweeter, tasty, healthy, and of course worth for business.
by Sarah Timberman · 0
The Concord grape, which gets its name from Concord, Massachusetts, is a marble sized fruit that fills you entire mouth with a burst of robust sweetness!Developed in 1849 by Ephraim Wales Bull, today more than 400,000 tons of Concord Grapes are produced each year. Although most are grown commercially, Concord Grapes are one of many grape cultivars grown in the flower and fruit gardening guides home garden.There are many choices in Grape cultivarsThe amount of Grape varieties is enourmous there are many, it is important to check out what outcome you're after.If you only want their decorative appearance go for an easy sweet cultivar. If home made wine is your intention the Concord is a good choice, but do check local conditions to see where the optimum lies.The choices are many. Grapes are green, red, purple, or black. Some have no seed; some do not. Some do separate easily from the fruit (slip-skin) and some do not. Some are best for table use, some are best preserved in jellies or jams, some are grown especially for wine making, and some (like the Concord Grape) are multi-purpose.One thing all grapes have in common is the way they grow. Plant in early spring after the frost leaves the ground in thoroughly tilled, weeded, and composted soil. Pre-conditioning of the soil makes it rich in organic matter, yet provides good drainage.In addition to growing in your garden, grape vines are a beautiful ornamental and valuable as shade or screen plants around your flower and fruit gardening guides home when trained on a trellis or arbor. Grapes love full sun. Cultivars will produce best if planted on the south slope of your garden. It typically takes three years to establish a grape planting, but once established, one grape arbor will produce up to 40 years, a single vine producing up to 20 pounds of grapes per year!How do I Prune Concord GrapesWhole books can be written on the subject of pruning grapes. Fact is that they need rather hefty pruning. One rule of the thumb is that the wood formed the year before is going to be fruit bearing. So pruning too little will mean an abundance of little sour fruit. Too much an abundance of foliage and not many fruits.Depending on your location you should prune when the frost left the ground, but before the sap in the plant starts to rise. Never prune during the growing season.You want the plant to have the maximum space to grow. So keep the space where you keep your Grape Vines clean of weeds and other plants.Prune shoots back to the third or fourth leaf after the fruits. Remove any new growth. Also remove all leaves from around growing clusters to get maximum sun.Grapes change color long before they are ripe. To avoid picking clusters before they reach their peak, taste the them first. If they aren't ripe, wait for them to develop. Some fruits improve after they have been harvested, grapes don't. The Concord Grape is a mighty cultivar.
by Sarah Timberman · 0
Picture a backyard that is full of healthy grapevines growing in it. This picture will look so sweet and endearing that you'll crave to have it someday, but how can you start working for your dream if you don't have that grape farmer-like knowledge on grapevine growing? Well, it's time for the good news. Whether you have the complete grape growing knowledge or not, you can finally get a successful grape garden and taste a sweet harvest sooner rather than later.Remember though that, because of the sensitiveness of grape growing, the process is never regarded to be simple and easy, unless you are guided with the right do's and don'ts on grapevine growing. So if you are tired of relying on undependable information, check out these great tips for grape growing below:Learn about grape specie.Before you jump into other more necessary steps, take time to consider a particular grape variety that is suited for your area's climate and soil. Like for instance, when it comes to Chardonnay and Riesling. These varieties need a lesser winter season and requires a good hot season. However, there are also some that requires the complete opposite thing. Therefore, if you want to be sure of your success in grape growing, make learning about grape varieties your first move.Also, consider the vineyard's location.Grapevines of any breed are all sensitive in terms of location. In choosing the vines' location, make sure that your chosen yard receives good sunlight. Keep your vines away from tall trees or buildings that can block the sun from shining onto them. This is important, because vines needs sunlight so that they do not become prone to diseases.Think about the soil type and minerals.It is also a must to consider a good soil, because grapes do not want to cast their feet on bad soil. Grapes love soil that are not too moist or too dry. This type of soil is healthy to the vines, for it can hold enough water particles. When it comes to minerals, make sure that the grapes are given adequate amount of nutrients. Pull off weeds surrounding them, for they may take nutrients away from the vines.Keep the vines in a good condition.After the hard work, your vines will soon start growing their branches. So make sure they grow right. Never allow them to crawl outside your garden. Maintain them through regular pruning.A trellis is also vital for your vines.You may also need to consider building a fence made of concrete for it to stand and grow strong. This is especially true if your soil is soft. Like for instance with hybrids. They grow a lot taller than other breeds, so preparing a higher trellis for them is essential.Once you keep yourself guided by these grape vine growing guides, you will surely achieve great and sweet success. So better be guided and enjoy the entirety of the grape growing process, so that you too have good grapes to eat and wines to sip from your own yard.
by Sarah Timberman · 0
One of the most important aspects to home brewed beer, or specifically, the process of home brewing beer and how to get it right is temperature. Your beer must ferment at the correct temperature for the particular yeast strain you are using. There is a working temperature range for each of the two major families of yeast. They are approximately set out below:Safales work between 17 degrees Celsius and 30 degrees Celsius (62.6 degrees to 86 degrees Fahrenheit)Saflagers work between 8 degrees and 25 degrees Celsius (46.4 degrees to 77 degrees Fahrenheit)When a yeast falls below that range it will hibernate. That is, it will go to sleep in the bottom of the fermenter. That's no great problem as lifting the temp and a gentle stir with a sterile paddle and it can be woken up again. However, when a yeast is taken to a temperature above that upper range limit, it dies.However, the problem with high temperatures in fermentation starts well below the temperature that kills yeast. What happens when a yeast works in a climate too warm is, it begins to create esters, these esters have a sweet taste, and once they are present in the wort you can not remove the taste. A home brewer should aim to ferment their wort in the lower half of the working temperature range. Diligence and action will be needed to avoid your wort getting too cold but the result is far better.Consider the climate your wort will ferment in, and take in to account that it will stay there fermenting for somewhere between 5 days and 2 weeks. In this time, it is bound to reach equilibrium with the ambient temperature if steps are not taken to control it. By taking into the account the area you are brewing in you can make an informed choice when deciding what you are going to brew. If its freezing cold, a Lager or a Pilsner, fermented with a Saflager yeast is probably going to be the best choice. It is possible to heat a brew up, so Ales, Draughts and Stouts brewed with a Safale are not out of the question.However, it is difficult to cool a warm wort down, especially when the ambient temperature is consistently high, and for this reason, use Saflager yeast should be saved for colder times of year or colder environments.In a commercial brewery, all kinds of machines are used to control the temperature of the fermentation so any beer can be made anywhere. Home brewers are limited by the climates they can create and we often have to live in the same environment as the one our beer ferments in, so unless you have an outside area you can brew in or you want to live in a house that is 7 degrees Celsius you might have a hard time brewing a lager. For this reason, it is important that a realistic view of what can be achieved at home is employed before each brew is laid down.
by Sarah Timberman · 0
Venturing into a new business is always exciting, and grape growing is an undertaking that continues to grow in popularity. A reason for this is that there is still a continuous need for growing high quality grapes in the market, and the demand for wine made from grapes hasn't waned. Starting your venture can be tricky though, and you probably have a lot of questions on how to grow grapes, how to plant them, the equipments you need, etc. Here is a grape growing guide to help you start your venture.There are many different uses for grapes. These include eating them, turning them into dried fruit, making jelly from them, and so on. But about seventy-one percent of the world's grapes are used in making wine. Grape simply has the perfect properties for wine making. The fruit's juices naturally have a great amount of fermentable sugar, color in the skins, and strong flavors. They are also high in nutrition, and are a healthy source of protein, carbohydrates, fats and they are also free from cholesterol.Different grape varieties exist in the world, but to succeed in grape growing, you need to know which variety is best suited for your climate and soil conditions. Consult your local grape growing nursery for this information. Also, the grape variety you choose depends on what you want your grapes to be used for. There are specific grape varieties that are used for wine making, so make sure the variety you choose fits your purpose.Many people succeed in growing their grapes in their own home because grape vines are naturally adaptive and can grow in practically any condition. To start your grape growing venture at home, you need to simply find a spot in your yard that has an excellent location and optimum conditions for a vineyard. Your chosen area must have good drainage, good sunlight exposure and good air circulation. If your yard has a slope, this would be a good area to grow grapes because this would immediately ensure good drainage.Your soil must be tested to see if it is right for growing grapes. And even before planting your grape vines, a trellis system must be made to help bear the vines' weight as they grow and bear fruit. A lot of grape growers make the mistake of building the trellis after planting the grape vines, and end up having problems.Another thing you should think of beforehand is the tending of your growing grapes. Your grapes need daily care to thrive and flourish. Watering, weeding, pruning, controlling pests and diseases-these are just some of the things you need to take care of for your grapes to grow healthily.But perhaps the most important thing you need to succeed in your grape growing venture is simply the time, effort and patience in your part to weather the problems that may come your way and come out on top with the sweet, sweet smell of your healthy, thriving vineyard.
by Sarah Timberman · 0