Grape Growing Simple Guidelines for Grape Growing
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Planting grapes in the garden or in the backyard can be a gratifying experience. Grapes are generally perennial plants and can grow for years to come. A lot of things have to be considered before you start grape growing.The most common mistake grape growers usually commit is when the grapevine is shaded by trees or when it is being shaded throughout the day. Sunlight is a very essential factor in grape growing. Without the right amount of sunlight, the natural sweetness as well as the proper ripeness of the grape will not likely happen.Here are simple guidelines to follow in grape growing:
· The chosen area for growing your grapes must have good air flow, the right type of soil, and good soil drainage.· Build a fence or trellis for the grapevines to climb for support. It is always a good idea to make these from Cedar wood as they are solid and will not easily rot.· Keep the grapevines well-pruned in order for them to grow better and healthier.· Prune the grapevines heavily in the first few years in order to encourage the main vine to grow. Pruning will encourage the grapevines to grow and attach to the fence or trellis as well as allow maximum airflow and sunlight.· You need to make sure that the planting area is not prone to accumulating water. When the grapevines are dormant, they can actually accept a certain amount of water; however, it shouldn't be encouraged for there is a slight chance for vine damage.· Grapes need soil composition that is low in toxins, rich in minerals and acidic. Have your soil tested by a professional or simply purchase soil tester kits that can aid you in determining correct soil for cultivating the grapes.· A slope is an ideal spot, especially if you live in an area with harsh winters. Planting on a slope will allow better air flow. If a slope is not an option, plant in an area that can shield your grapevines from the harsh cold, which could potentially cause considerable damage.· Grapevines need moist and well-drained soil. The ideal place for grape growing is one that features winters and summers that are not too harsh. If you don't live in such a climate, try creating one in a greenhouse. Always keep in mind that the roots shouldn't be too wet or too dry because they are vulnerable to fungus that usually causes root-rot.· When you start planting the grapes, make sure that you place them at least 7-10 feet apart from each other. The roots of one grapevine can stretch as far as 4 - 5 feet from the base of the plant.If you are thinking of growing grapevines in your garden or backyard at this moment, be sure that you consider the factors mentioned above before you actually start planting. Select your grape varieties based on their usage and how adaptable they are to the local growing conditions.